Raksam Ingredients

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is native to Southeast Queensland and the Northeast coast of New South Wales, Australia. Kenya also produces this oil in large quantities.

The mature leaves of the tea tree plant are harvested and crushed to be used as a viable treatment for cold and cough. The leaves are as well soaked for many skin ailments.

Steam distillation process is used for the extraction of the oil from the Tea tree’s leaves and twigs. The leaves are cut from the tree in large quantities. The pile of leaves is stored in huge containers where the steamed water is poured over the leaves. The mixture is preserved in shade for 20 days. High pressurized steam distillation process is then carried out which distils the oil from the leaves. The oil is filtered for impurities and the purified oil is stored for distribution. The colour of the oil is clear to pale yellow liquid and it has a camphoraceous smell.

Commonly known Benefits

  • Acne Treatment: The use of tree tea oil for acne treatment is quite common. Although it takes longer time as compared to other medicines but it is more effective in properly treating the acne.
  • Athlete’s feet: The anti-fungal properties of tea tree oil helps in effective treatment for fungi related ailments such as Athlete’s feet. Its use is found appropriate for treating itching, infection or change of toe nail colour to yellow. Just pouring a few drops of this oil on the affected area will heal it in a couple of days.
  • Skin Burns: it is very helpful for patients of scrapes or burn injuries. People suffering from skin disorders can also expect some relief from the application of this essential oil.
  • Dandruff: The tea tree oil has many anti- dandruff reagents which can eliminate dandruff on consistent usage. It can be mixed with any shampoo or applied exclusively on the scalp.
    Genital infections: it can be used to help clear genital infections in general and on the skin, it clears herpes acne, warts sunburn and infected wounds. It works wonders for oily skin.

Physico Chemical Properties:

Botanical NameMelaleuca alternifolia
Family NameMyrtaceae
Common NameTea tree oil
Part usedLeaves and twigs
Specific Gravity0.895 @ 72 °F
Optical Rotation+8.8 @72 °F
Refractive Index1.4789 @ 72 °F
Blends Well WithBasil, black pepper, cypress, eucalyptus, geranium, juniper, lavender, lemon, bergamot, clary sage, clove marjoram, nutmeg, oregano, peppermint and pine
UsesTea tree oil is a very versatile and remarkable chemical and it has been in use as a traditional medicine. It is very effective against viruses, bacteria and fungi

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