Raksam Ingredients

Cinnamon Leaf Oil

Cinnamon leaf oil comes from Cinnamonum verum from the Laurel plant family. This small and bushy evergreen tree is native to Sri Lanka, but now grows in many countries such as India, China, Bangladesh, Myanmar, and Indonesia.

You’ve probably heard of cinnamon bark oil, but don’t be confused – it’s an entirely different product. Cinnamon bark oil is extracted from the outer bark of the tree, resulting in a potent, perfume-quality essential oil. Cinnamon bark oil is extremely refined and therefore very expensive for everyday use, which is why many people settle for cinnamon leaf oil, as it’s lighter, cheaper, and ideal for regular use.
Cinnamon leaf oil has a musky and spicy scent, and a light yellow tinge that distinguishes it from the red-brown color of cinnamon bark oil.


  • Cinnamon leaf oil can be used as an additive in soaps and a flavoring to seasonings.
  • When used in aromatherapy – diffused, applied topically, or added to your bath water – it can have health-promoting effects.
  • Use it as a disinfectant to clean toilets, refrigerators, kitchen counters etc. With its strong germicidal properties, cinnamon leaf oil works as a non-toxic natural disinfectant.
  • For its antiseptic properties, used effectively in beauty products.
  • Use cinnamon leaf oil as an insect repellent.

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