Raksam Ingredients

Desiccated Coconut

It is the shredded flaky coconut that is produced from fresh and matured coconuts exquisitely processed to retain its natural qualities of taste, flavor, and aroma.
Coconut meat which has been shredded, chipped, or powdered and then dried out is called desiccated coconut. It is prepared by removing natural moisture in the coconut fruit. It has a snow white appearance with a fresh sweetness and nutty flavor.
Desiccated coconut is mainly used in the manufacture of sweets, cake dressings, pastries, chocolates, and biscuit industry. It is also used in curries and puddings in place of raw coconut or copra.


 Standard Plate Count 5000 / gm maximum
 Coliform Count 80 /gm maximum
 Mold & Yeast 50 / gm maximum
 Salmonella Negative
 Staphylococcus Negative
 E. Coll Negative
 Shigella Negative


 Moisture 2.8% maximum
 Oil Content 60-65%
 Free fatty Acid 0.15% maximum (as oleic acid)
 pH Value 6.0-6.7
 Total Ivert Sugar 0.6% maximum
 So2 Nil (SO2 free)


 COLOUR  White, free from foreign matter or any other extraneous material including parings, off-  colour particles and similar others.
 Flavor Odour Mild and sweet coconut flavor, pleasant taste  and smell of natural coconut, no off flavor nor odor
 granulation % Retained0
 U.S. Sieve  No. 10 10 maximum
 U.S. Sieve No.  14 10 maximum
 U.S. Sieve No.  16 10 maximum
 U.S. Sieve No.  20 10 maximum
 U.S. Sieve No.  3310 maximum
 On pan12 maximum

Packing: Packed in 100, 50, or 25lbs polyethylene-line multi-wall Kraft paper bag.


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