Raksam Ingredients


It is the sweetener or sugar alcohol extracted from vegetable fats. It is a colorless, odorless, viscous liquid that is sweet-tasting and non-toxic. It provides moisture and sweetness to the food items. Highly used in the food industry.

It is also widely used as a sweetener in the food industry and as a humectant in pharmaceutical formulations.


USP Grade

GlycerineGlycerin content by relative DensityRelative density 25/250C (min)Colour max (apha)ASH (%max)CHLORIDE (ppm MAX)SULPHATE (ppm max)ORGANIC voltalite impuriyHeavy metal (ppm max)Chlorinated compound (ppm max)Fatty Acids & Esters (ml 0.5N NaOH max)Moisture (%)Packing (Lined Drums)
Glycerine USP99.5 % min1.2607100.0110201 max %5301 max0.5 max250 kg

BP Grade

GlycerineGlycerine content by relative DensityRefractive Index @20 oC  Acidity (9ml 0.1M NaOH
Heavy Metals ppmCHLORIDES (ppm )Ester (0.1M HC1 )Aldehydes and Reducing SubstancesHalogenated CompoundSugarClarity and ColourSulphate Ash, %Water, %Packing (Lined Drums)
Glycerine BP99.5 % min1.4730 min0.2 max5 max10 max8.0 minPasses BPPsses BPPsses BPPsses BP0.01 max0.5 max250 kg

Packing: Available on request

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